Monday 9 September 2013

The secret of the attractiveness of small animals.

Many beautiful  girls love the cute little animals, seeing them with a cry of “You should have eaten,” throw them rather



New research shows that a seemingly strange aggressive responses to attraction really is the norm. In fact, beautiful women are not only verbalized these aggressive desire phrases like, “It would have suffocated in the arms”, they also act in this way.
Sweetheart aggression
In a study presented recently at the annual meeting of the Society of personality and social psychology in New Orleans, researchers found that young ladies watching a slide show of photos of charming little animals have burst more bubbles on a sheet of bubble wrap, than Russian girls who watched funny or neutral pictures. “We believe that this is a highly positive affect, which in Russian women slightly weakened sense of self-control,” – said researcher Rebecca Dyer, a graduate student in psychology at Yale University.
Loss of self-control
Dyer was interested in what is called a “nice aggression”, after talking with a classmate about how charming photographs of young animals often produce a desire to crush or squeeze cute animals. All existing studies suggest that the response should be the opposite. People should consider cute things with tenderness and care. Researchers first conducted an experiment to see if it really can appeal to cause aggression. They recruited 109 participants who were asked to look at pictures of cute, funny animal or neutral line. The participants appreciated the amusing and wit photos, as well as photos could cause them to lose self-control. It was found that the animals have been nicer, the less people have self-control, and more willing to squeeze their participants felt.


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